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We ensure success through assessing current and future potential


We offer role-specific assessments for recruitment and development purposes. Thanks to our more than 25 years of experiences, we have a solid understanding of the requirements for leaders to exceed expectations at different levels in different industries. Each assessment we perform is customised to assess for the role in the specific context of the company culture. Our team consists of licensed psychologists who combine business and financial understanding with knowledge of people, teams and organizational cultures.

Methodology (is often a combination of):

  • Psychometric tools​

  • In-depth semi-structured interviews​

  • Business cases

  • Simulations and role-plays with professional actors

What we Assess:

  • Leadership skills

  • Cultural/environmental fit

  • Agility and ability to handle complexity

  • Customer orientation

  • Business- and financial understanding

  • Ability to implement strategy


Edward Lynx 360° Survey


The Edward Lynx 360° survey is our own proprietary tool designed to reveal how a person is perceived within their organisation. It can be used to provide insights into development needs in the organisation. We work closely with our customers to tailor unique questions and categories based on organisational values and needs. 


With the survey we gather perceptions from people with differing professional relationships to the candidates being measured to produce a truly holistic picture. By illuminating the difference in how a person is viewed by their manager, their colleagues and their direct-reports we can gather precise and thought-provoking insights.


The report produced by the Edward Lynx 360° survey can be used to reveal development needs in your organisation, to measure the impact of trainings or other initiatives, and for the purpose of individual development and coaching.

Edward Lynx 360 Survey
Saville Official Partner
Podium Swedish Supplier
Motivation Factor Strategic Partner

Tools & Tests


Edward Lynx is an official partner of Saville Assessment, a Willis Towers Watson Company. Saville Assessment Products are rated as one of the most reliable and valid on the market, and include Aptitude Assessment, Personality Questionnaires, Accreditation Training and Consultancy Solutions.


Edward Lynx is a Swedish supplier of Podium365 tests, which can be used in various assessment situations. Podium inventories are based on modern neuroscientific and psychometric models of personality and capacity.


Edward Lynx is a strategic partner of Motivation Factor, who provide the only science-based motivation solutions for individuals and teams ready to identify and activate their best capabilities. Motivation Factor is a validated, efficient tool which helps you measure and develop motivation at both individual and team levels.

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